Strength and Conditioning


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NK Strength and Conditioning

June 24-Aug 5

Grades 8-12+

7:00 am-11:00 am

Location: NKHS Weight Room


  • Our program is designed to provide student athletes self-confidence and a competitive edge by focusing on an entire athletic base.

  • The main goal of the program is to build an entire athlete.

    • Strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and also focus on injury prevention.

  • By focusing on these, student athletes will build self-confidence which will help them unleash their potential.

  • Appropriate training techniques, loads will be enforced throughout the program (based on age and ability)



Athletes are not expected to be there the whole time

They can come in on their own 3-4 times a week.

Camp Coordinator: Shawn Petrucci

Pricing: Strength and Conditioning

1st Child: $120

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